Sunday, January 16, 2011

Something Healthy and Green to Add to Your Smoothie

I don't have a whole lot of new stuff to add tonight. I haven't made any gourmet raw recipes to share or anything like that. Basically, we are having lots of smoothies. But tonight, when I was making our supper smoothies, my husband told me to put a couple of spoons of sofrito (Spanish) or green base in English. It contains cilantro, culantro, green peppers, garlic, and onion - and olive oil. This is all blended up into a liquid. This is a very healthy addition, and a way to get a bit more greens and toxin-removing garlic and onions into your diet, and is undetectable in a smoothie. (I still added my spinach, as well.)

You can see the cinnamon I added too. I forgot to tell you about this the other day. Cinnamon tastes very good and has excellent health benefits.

To make sofrito: blend a whole bunch of cilantro, a whole bunch of culantro, half of a green pepper, 2 cloves of garlic and a quarter of an onion with a little olive oil.

Other than that, I have been eating LOTS of fresh cherries! Yummmmmmmmmm!


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